The purpose of the Rotary Club of Cultural Exchange Enthusiasts is to open the opportunities of Rotary to business professionals, leaders, and philanthropists who may be unable to meet traditional attendance requirements due to physical immobility, schedule conflicts, occupational demands, or even living too far from a traditional Rotary club.
[Embracing the mission and vision of Rotary International,] the Rotary Club of Cultural Exchange Enthusiasts focuses on our lives [in the greater global community]. We are curious about different cultures and want to understand how others live.
If you like what you see, complete this Membership Application. We meet every Wednesday from 4:30-5:30 pm Central Time. The Zoom link is always this:
To be a member of the Rotary Club of Cultural Exchange Enthusiasts means:
You live or do business in any Rotary District in our Rotary world.
You are a contributor to society in your profession, occupation, industry, business, or community role.
You commit to the personal ethic of Service Above Self, The Four-Way Test, and support the Objectives of Rotary.
You have been invited by a Rotary sponsor to join the Rotary Club of Cultural Exchange Enthusiasts and approved for membership by its Board of Directors.
You will participate regularly at the Rotary Club of Cultural Exchange Enthusiasts' weekly meetings and, if invited, you are willing to accept a leadership role.
You understand and agree that programs, forums, and business are conducted in English.
You are willing to be challenged to financially support club projects and the Rotary Foundation.
You have regular access to the Internet and are willing to participate in weekly meetings.
You are prepared to pay current dues: See Below.
Dues for the Rotary Club of Cultural Exchange Enthusiasts: $270/year
Rotary International: $55/year
Additional Fees: $20/year (Council on Legislation, Rotarian Magazine, G.L. Insurance, and D& O/EOL Assessments)
District 5960: $53/year
Club dues: $142/year
Rotary’s fiscal year is July 1 – June 30. Your dues will be pro-rated according to the month you join.
Dues are payable annually, bi-annually, quarterly, or monthly.
Rotary Club of Cultural Exchange Enthusiasts members do not have the added expense of weekly meals at meetings, making our dues more affordable than traditional clubs. We encourage members to connect and make a difference. Consider visiting a local club for a meal or making a donation to our club in support of a current or future project.
Additional Expenses
Rotary International suggests that each member contributes a minimum of $100 annually to the Rotary International Foundation annual fund.
Optional special events will be charged to members if they choose to participate.
Club members are expected to participate with one fundraiser during the year and to help with one club service project.
Membership Qualifications
Rotary prospects shall be in good standing in their community and recommended by an active Rotary member. A member shall seek to be involved with service projects of their choice. We may seek to combine projects or social events with other Rotary clubs. All rules and regulations of Rotary International apply.
Send your completed Membership Application to:
Kirk Anderson
PO Box 291
St. Croix Falls, WI 54024