Rotarian Kirk Anderson receives a Paul Harris +1 pin from the St. Croix Falls/Taylors Falls Rotary Club for community service in his roles as a Rotarian, mayor, volunteer firefighter, and first responder.
Past District Governor Rod Kreie Talks About Rotary Youth ExchangeWednesday, November 9, 2022 Topic: Exchanges for Every Rotarian by Rod Kreie. Meet a prominent leader in the Rotary world: Rod Kreie has been an active member and leader of Rotary for 37 years. His 14-year experience as treasurer of SCRYE (South Central Rotary Youth Exchange) and District 5690 Governor are particularly relevant to today's topic. Besides that, you will learn how Rod is active as a Rotarian in many other ways. Join us for an inspiring program organized by Gayle Goetz!
Shara Anderson Speaking on Mentoring with Kinship of Polk CountySpeaker: Shara Anderson of Kinship of Polk County. Wednesday, November 2, 2022 4:30 PM Mission: Kinship of Polk County works to improve the quality of a child’s life by establishing a relationship with a caring mentor for the purpose of promoting stability, support, friendship, and community. Shara Anderson is a service coordinator for a mentoring program called Kinship of Polk County in Wisconsin. She has an Elementary Education background and taught for several years before starting a family. She met her husband Kirk in college and they have been married for almost 25 years. They have 5 wonderful children and live in St. Croix Falls, Wisconsin. In her free time, Shara enjoys reading, hiking, and time with friends and family.
What is a Pollinator |
“Oh Dam!! The Mighty Mississippi: How Midwestern Agriculture Depends on it”“Oh Dam!! The Mighty Mississippi: How Midwestern Agriculture Depends on it” |
Dawn Talbert - Speaking on UkraineDawn Talbert - Speaking on Ukraine |
Conflict ManagementLet’s Work it Out….Resolving Conflict During Trying Times |
Ridin' the Rails with Jane WillardRidin' the Rails with Jane Willard |
Karen Jordan - 2022 Planning for a Successful RetirementKaren Jordan - 2022 Planning for a Successful Retirement
Henry Hillemann - Youth Exchange in ZimbabweHenry Hillemann - Youth Exchange in Zimbabwe |
How We Do Elections in Denver – Alton P Dillard IIHow We Do Elections in Denver – Alton P Dillard II |
Fast for Hope District 5960 Project in Nicaragua - Rick Heidick, Chair of Fast for HopeFast for Hope District 5960 Project in Nicaragua - Rick Heidick, Chair of Fast for Hope |
TEACH ME, Elke! When the Whole World Comes to You - World Fairs and Expo 2020TEACH ME, Elke! When the Whole World Comes to You - World Fairs and Expo 2020 |
Study Abroad: Development from a Retrospective ViewStudy Abroad: Development from a Retrospective View |
Teach Me: Sandra Capra - A Plan if You Can't Speak for YourselfA Plan if You Can't Speak for Yourself |
Deborah Garcia with Eternal AnchorDeborah Garcia with Eternal Anchor |
Cross Cultural Lessons from Afghanistan, with Jane WillardCross Cultural Lessons from Afghanistan, with Jane Willard |
Helping to Heal Trauma in the Times of COVID and Social UnrestHelping to Heal Trauma in the Times of COVID and Social Unrest |
Gregg White, TEACH ME!Gregg White, TEACH ME!
Mary Anthony and Kajsa Johnson - From Russia with LoveMary Anthony and Kajsa Johnson - From Russia with Love
Christine Baum - Teaching in IndiaChristine Baum - Teaching in India
Robyn Coquyt - Africa Classroom Connection - Building the Future in South AfricaRobyn Coquyt - Africa Classroom Connection - Building the Future in South Africa
Julia Cronin - Speak Like a Native: Language, Dialect, and Social InclusionJulia Cronin - Speak Like a Native: Language, Dialect, and Social Inclusion
Mark Berger – Topic: East Timor - Precious PeopleMark Berger – Topic: East Timor - Precious People
McKinzie McVey – Wine from the Uco Valley, Mendoza, ArgentinaMcKinzie McVey – Wine from the Uco Valley, Mendoza, Argentina |
Rotary eClub Book ClubRotary eClub Book Club
Cam Freisinger, Outbound to Germany 2009-10 | Finding my Fit on the Appalachian TrailCam Freisinger, Outbound to Germany 2009-10 | Finding my Fit on the Appalachian Trail |
Dr. Paula Schwartz, speaking about the new D-5950 Global Horizons Rotary E-ClubDr. Paula Schwartz, speaking about the new D-5950 Global Horizons Rotary E-Club |
Jasmine Haefner, North Star Rotary Exchange Student to Denmark, 2009-10Jasmine Haefner, North Star Rotary Exchange Student to Denmark, 2009-10 |
Member Introduction: John Hobday , Club PresidentMember Introduction: John Hobday , Club President
Maggie Miland – Building Equity and Community in a Virtual AgeMaggie Miland – Building Equity and Community in a Virtual Age |
Paul Perez, PDG 5960 - The Rotary Foundation and Positive PeacePaul Perez, PDG 5960 - The Rotary Foundation and Positive Peace
Sam Flumerfelt - My Rotary Exchange Year in ItalySam Flumerfelt - My Rotary Exchange Year in Italy
Gregg White - Getting to Know Our MembersGregg White - Getting to Know Our Members
Rotary eClub of 5960 Book Club - Third Culture KidsRotary eClub of 5960 Book Club - Third Culture Kids
Logan Johnson - from the Rotary International Youth Exchange OfficeLogan Johnson - from the Rotary International Youth Exchange Office
Graziele Coelho, Inbound Student from Brazil to Minnesota, 1998-99Rotary eClub Video – November 18, 2020 -- Graziele Coelho, Inbound Student from Brazil to Minnesota, 1998-99
John Hobday - 5-Step Approach to Dementia Caregiving - The CARES ApproachRotary eClub Video – November 11, 2020 -- John Hobday - 5-Step Approach to Dementia Caregiving - The CARES Approach
Lisa Niva - North Star Rotex CoordinatorRotary eClub Video – October 14, 2020 -- Lisa Niva - North Star Rotex Coordinator |
Tom Gump, District Governor of 5950 - The Easy Way to Grow Your ClubRotary eClub Video – October 21, 2020 -- Tom Gump, District Governor of 5950 - The Easy Way to Grow Your Club
Becoming a Paul Harris Fellow and What it Means to YouRotary eClub Video – October 14, 2020 -- Paul Harris Fellow and What it Means to You
Rotary eClub Video – September 30, 2020 -- Democratizing Experiential Learning - Babacar Mbaye from Dakar, SenegalRotary eClub Video – September 30, 2020 -- Democratizing Experiential Learning - Babacar Mbaye from Dakar, Senegal
Rotary eClub of 5960 - Amy Hobday - How Exchange Shaped My Early Twenties with Amy HobdayRotary eClub Video – September 23, 2020 –– Communication, Exercise, and Resilience: How Exchange Shaped My Early Twenties with Amy Hobday
A Year in Sweden Changed My Life with Gregg WhiteRotary eClub Video – September 9, 2020 –– A Year in Sweden Changed My Life with Gregg White
How Rotary Exchange Impacted my Career with Ethan NealRotary eClub Video – August 5, 2020 –– How Rotary Exchange Impacted my Career with Ethan Neal
Elke Schmidt - Experiential Learning Abroad and At HomeRotary eClub Video – July 29, 2020 –– Elke Schmidt - Experiential Learning Abroad and At Home
Ty and Rachel - a Rotary Love Story!Rotary eClub Video – July 15, 2020 –– Ty and Rachel - a Rotary Love Story!
Ed Marek, DG for 5960Rotary Club of 5960 talks to Ed Marek, DG for 5960 about his Rotary year, leadership in the district, and his goals as Governor.
Tim Murphy, PDG 5950 from the Edina, MN Club - Update on PolioRotary Club of 5960 talks to Tim Murphy, PDG 5950 from the Edina, MN Club about Polio eradication in 2020.
Rotary Club of 5960 talks to Glen Blumhorst, President and CEO of National Peace Corps AssociationRotary eClub Video – June 24, 2020 –– Glen Blumhorst, President and CEO of National Peace Corps Association.
Melanie DeLuca is the Chair of North Star Youth Exchange Districts 5950/5960Rotary eClub Video – June 17, 2020 –– Melanie DeLuca is the Chair of North Star Youth Exchange Districts 5950/5960
Sarah Tuberty on Living with a Limb Difference and her Rotary Youth Exchange Year to Lecco, ItalyRotary eClub Video – June 10, 2020 –– Sarah Tuberty on Living with a Limb Difference and her Rotary Youth Exchange Year to Lecco, Italy |
Tom Thorfinnson, Chief Strategy Officer at Rotary InternationalRotary eClub Video – June 3, 2020 –– Tom Thorfinnson, Chief Strategy Officer at Rotary International
Emma Mulhern, ROTEX President, North Star Youth ExchangeRotary eClub Video – May 20, 2020 –– Emma Mulhern, ROTEX President, North Star Youth Exchange
Fred Malab (Terra Brasil Travel)Rotary eClub Video – May 20, 2020 –– Fred Malab (Terra Brasil Travel)
Laura Savage (Peru 2013-2014) - Journey to Malaysia on a Fulbright ScholarshipRotary eClub Video – May 6, 2020 –– Laura Savage (Peru 2013-2014) - Journey to Malaysia on a Fulbright Scholarship
Rhianna Gawrys (France 2006-07) - How to Set Up Your Home Workspace to Reduce Personal Back PainRotary eClub Video – April 29, 2020 –– Rhianna Gawrys (France 2006-07) - How to Set Up Your Home Workspace to Reduce Personal Back Pain |
Ruby Manoles (Argentina, 2010-11)Rotary eClub Video – April 22, 2020 –– Our guest speaker is Ruby Manoles (Argentina, 2010-11). |
Dennis White (Former NAYEN President) Speaks on Supporting Early Returning Students Due to COVID-19Rotary eClub Video – April 15, 2020 –– Our guest speaker is Dr. Dennis White, past president of NAYEN. |
Lyn Stroshim, NAYEN President (2019-21)Rotary eClub Video – April 8, 2020 –– This week’s guest speaker is Lyn Stroshin, President of NAYEN 2019-2021. |
Grace Petrie (Colombia) and Global Grant (U.K.)Rotary eClub Video – April 1, 2020 –– Grace Petrie who will speak about her Rotary Youth Exchange year abroad in Colombia in 2011/12. |
Georgia & Harrison (Italy) - Outbounds currently under COVID-19 quarantine - E-Club Meeting 3-25-20Rotary eClub Video – March 25, 2020 –– Georgia and Harrison (two current outbounds from Minnesota to Italy currently under quarantine during the COVID-19 pandemic. |
Adam Hennings (Austria/Mongolia) - Cultural Exchange Enthusiasts E-Club Meeting 3/18/20 & Greg BartzRotary eClub Video – March 18, 2020 –– With COVID-19 having an impact on weekly in-person Rotary meetings throughout the district, we invite you and your members to join our weekly E-Club meeting on Wednesdays, 4:30 pm. Central via Zoom videoconferencing. |
Michael Lawrenson (South Africa)Rotary eClub Video – March 11, 2020 –– We welcomed Michael Lawrenson (South Africa) to our eClub meeting. |
Michelle Jacobson (Nicaragua Fast for Hope & India Friendship Exchange) Twin Cities Rotaract ClubRotary eClub Video – March 4, 2020 –– Michelle Jacobson (Nicaragua Fast for Hope & India Friendship Exchange) Twin Cities Rotaract Club
Joel Cole (Faroe Islands) |
Change the World through Metnoring |
Rotary's Four Way TestOf the things I THINK,SAY and DO: Is it the truth? Is it Fair to All Concerned? Will it Build Goodwill and Better Friendships?
4 Perspectives on Alzheimer's DiseaseHello e-club members, My name is John Hobday. Let me introduce myself to you: I have a technology and educational backgro ![]() My company just turned 20 last June, and we are the only company in the US, that is devoted exclusively to online training for families and professionals around Alzheimer's Disease and other brain disorders. As part of these training programs we do filming projects around the country of real family members, care providers, experts, and most-importantly, people with Alzheimer's and dementia (the patients, if you will). We had a filing in Mississippi in July, and it was our 25th state. Sort of a milestone. Here is a short video of my personal story regarding my grandmother who died from Alzheimer's disease right as my company was starting. (Click Here) So--as I speak at conferences, Rotary Club Meetings, in the community, etc., I always get questions around a few very common topics: 1. Where are we in finding a cure? 2. What is the difference between Alzheimer's and dementia? 3. What can I do to prevent this for myself? Here are 4 different Ted Talk Alzheimer's Disease is not Normal Aging and We Can Cure it: (Click Here) What You can do to Prevent Alzheimer's: (Click Here ) Power Foods for the Brain (click Here) I'm Preparing to Get Alzheimer's: (Click here) BY the way, dementia is an umbrella term of symptoms like many memory issues, attention, abstract thinking issues, etc. Alzheimer's is one of over 200 diseases that cause dementia symptoms and gets worse over time. So dementia is a general term, and Alzheimer's is a specific disease. This said, about 80% of alldementias are Alzheimer's, so if someone is declining with memory issues, the high likelihood is that it will be Alzheimer's. Sometimes testing has not been done to confirm this, or a doctor may want to shield the family from a the family is just told "dementia." This is an OK approach, but Ii think it is also a bit of a disservice to the family. An Alzheimer's diagnosis is difficult to hear, but one positive is that you usually have years to get affairs in order, try some of the medications on the market, spend more quality time with family, etc. You also know that you are not alone. I am happy to discuss this on one of our Zoom video calls if you have more specific questions. For more information on what we do please (Click here) |
Peace as a Rotary Focus![]() A Person of Action, a Champion of Peace Peace. On the surface it seems like such a simple concept. But if you ask Ann Frisch, you’ll quickly learn that there is a lot more to peace than meets the eye. A peace activist since the age of 16, the White Bear Lake is being honored as a Rotary "Champion of Peace” on Nov. 10-11 at Rotary Day at the United Nations in Geneva, Switzerland. Frisch is just one of six people in the world who is being honored in Geneva for actively working to build peace in our world Frisch is speciSically being honored for her efforts in unarmed civilian peacekeeping worldwide. She is the lone recipient of the award from the United States. Frisch, a United Nations delegate to Geneva, co-wrote the First manual on unarmed civilian protection, which was endorsed by the UN. Her training in a civilian-based peace process is administered by the United Nations Institute for Training and Research, the department that trains all UN personnel. As a young girl, Frisch’s parents Silled the home with spirited and meaningful conversations about politics and public affairs, she said. “I was well briefed and immersed in political life,” Frisch said. “My parents were comfortable being in the opposition.” Frisch’s mother was a great follower of Gandhi, and that rubbed off on her daughter. Frisch followed Gandhi in college and became an advocate for world peace. She would become a professor at the University of Wisconsin – Oshkosh where she taught human services courses and a graduate course in global education. She says through her work in the classroom, she learned about war and peace “from the inside out.” Frisch retired early from her job at UW-Oskosh. “I was looking for a new career, but did not know what it would be,” she said. She got involved with an organization called the Nonviolent Peaceforce, unarmed, paid civilian protection force that fosters dialogue among parties in conSlict and provides a protective presence for threatened civilians. The organization is based in France, and has an ofSice in Minneapolis. Frisch initially was placed as a member of the organization’s fundraising team. In 2007 she went on a mission to Guatemala where she worked as a peacekeeper working to investigate human rights violations. She was soon working with Nonviolent Peaceforce cofounder Mel Duncan, who currently serves as the organization’s director of advocacy and outreach. “That’s when I began doing advocacy work,” Frisch said. Frisch said she was a Rotary member when she was a professor at UW-Oshkosh, but had left the organization. “In 2012 I attended a meeting of the St. Paul Rotary Club and realized I had to rejoin the organization,” she said. That led to her working to spread the word of nonviolent conSlict resolution at Rotary International conventions and giving presentations on peace. In 2015 she became a board member of the Rotarian Action Group for Peace. She is also a member of Rotary’s Peace Education Committee. Most of Frisch’s work is presenting at Rotary events, but she also helps individual Rotary clubs in doing prep work for grant applications on peace, she said. She says her mission, as well as the boards and committees on which she works is to provide Rotary with the means to work in areas of conflict My most satisfying work as a Rotarian is working with Rotary’s partners to extend work into area of conflict without having people at risk,” she said. She collaborated with Rotary members in Thailand to establish the Southern Thailand Peace Process training program in 2015 in Bankok, Hat Yai, and Pattani in southern Thailand. The group brought together electrical and rrigation authorities, Red Cross staff, a Buddhist monk, and a Catholic nun to this border region to train civilians to build so-called safe zones. These are areas in which families, teachers, and local ofSicials do not have to confront military force every day. Frisch was nominated for the “People of Action: Champion of Peace” award by Past District 5960 District Governor Karel Weigel and Kyle Haugen, the 2017-18 District Governor. Her nomination letter states: Ann Frisch, from her first week as a District 5960 Rotarian, has brought the United Nations endorsed practice of Unarmed Civilian Protection to every level of Rotary. Nonviolent Peaceforce, since its inception in 2002, has put forth on the world stage unarmed civilians from around the world protecting and assisting civilians who find themselves in violent conflict. Ann was an early Unarmed Civilian Protector in Guatemala, and upon returning to the US she became a Senior Adviser to Nonviolent Peaceforce. In that capacity, she began to do peace education around the world. She has presented at three of the past five Rotary International Conventions about the effectiveness of Unarmed Civilian Protection, and has spoken around the world to Rotary Clubs. Her signature project has been the leadership of a global grant dealing with a Civilian Based Peace Process in Southern Thailand, which is still ongoing. Being selected for the honor took Frisch by surprise. “I was quite astonished,” she said. “I know a lot of people have worked for peace for a long time.” “Receiving recognition for my work with the Nonviolent Peaceforce never occurred to me,” she added. Frisch is proud that her work has resulted in new relationships, has resulted in new presentations on peace and peaceful conflict resolution and has resulted in some opportunities for Nonviolent PeaceForce to resolve conflict in areas of concern. |
Focusing on Rotary;'s Peace Efforts in the World
The Art of a Garden Rotarians across the world are working to improve the lifes of many people Here is a story of a Rotary club in Illinois. Click Here
Building Your Rotary Club by Elevating the 4 Way Test 🎈Welcome to the Rotary eClub of District 5960! Elevating the Rotary Four Way Test to the Community Level Rotary District 5960 emphasizes using the Four Way Test to promote ethics in business and in life. Watch this 19 minute video to see how ethics are being promoted around the district. Watch this video and leave feed back on what you can do to promote ethics in our club. In the contact form, please provide 3 ideas you have for creating promoting ethics in Rotary. You can only accomplish so much, but together, we can accomplish a lot. |
October is Vocational Service Month October is Vocational Service Month in Rotary. When we were kids, we were often faced with the questions: “What do you want to be when you grow up?” Do you remember what you thought you would become as a five, six, or even 20 year old? Our teachers, parents and others would ask the question, or make suggestions based on personal qualities or attributes we exhibited as a child. So when people ask you: What is YOUR vocation? What is your response? Rotary has bantered the term around since its beginning. In fact Paul Harris started Rotary to create a network of various vocations that supported each other and the community. If you research the word Vocation, it really means "a Calling" a strong desire to spend you life doing a certain kind of work or occupation. Your vocation might not be the current job you hold. It might be something more. To speak about vocation is to speak about a strong sense of "passion" or " creative energy" that fills your life with fulfillment and satisfaction. Let's look at your vocation. Are you a person who stands/sits on the sidelines and watches- eating hot dogs or drinking beer? or Do you play the game,-participating, contributing and using your creativity and energy to create change and make things happen? What talents do you have? How do you share those with others. That is what Rotary has offered to us. It gives us a platform to share our passion, creativity, energy, by serving others through our vocation. Using our skills to make the world a better place. Someone who has a gift and expert knowledge of fixing things may help build beds for orphanages, or someone who likes to cook, may find cooking meals for homeless shelters. This is an example of using their vocation to change the world through Rotary. If you know a lot about financing, Rotary may offer you the opportunity to work with a third world country doing micro financing, or work on helping communities raise money and create budgets to achieve goals. Your unique gifts are needed in doing Rotary work. Through the projects you share as a club-these talents/ gifts will be given the platform/venue to be expressed. Learn more about vocational service and how to get involved by watching this power point and reviewing the resources at the end of the presentation. Click Here. Ultimately, whatever your vocation or true calling is, Rotary can help you grow and develop as a person, and reach your full potential. And that is something we would all like to accomplish, isn’t it? |
What's New In Rotary Club CentralThe new and improved Rotary Club Central is here. It's now faster, easier to navigate, and presents past and current club data in a more accessible way. Additional features include:
Plus, you can plan and track membership initiatives, service activities, and Foundation giving, as well as complete Rotary Citation goals. Rotary Club Central is also a great tool for succession planning. As club leadership changes, having a historical record of goals and achievements can make the transition between leaders seamless. To learn more, watch The Improved Rotary Club Central video. If you need assistance navigating the new platform, go to the Rotary Learning Center and search for Rotary Club Central to access any of the several guides. Check out the new Rotary Club Central today. |
One Rotary Summit2017-2018 One Rotary Summit (ORS) Training Gain additional leadership skills. Discover ideas to share with your Rotary Club. Prepare to take action. What? District 5960 One Rotary Summit (ORS) When? September 28, October 3, October 7 Where? Roseville, Rochester, Faribault Return to your club with tools and ways to implement the "People of Action" public image campaign and this year's theme, "Rotary: Making a Difference" while gaining a better understanding of how membership, public image, humanitarian service, and supporting your Rotary Foundation work together. Snacks and beverages will be provided. Click here to register ( now! |
Welcome to Rotary eClub of District 5960Thank you for your interest in the Rotary eClub of District 5960. Members, please take a moment to consume this weeks meeting and fill out the attendance form below to log your attendance. If you are visiting our club and would like to do a “make-up,” please choose a program to consume, then fill out the attendance form and request a make up for your participation. If you’re requesting a make up, we appreciate your donation ($15 suggested donation) to our club, to help off-set our operating costs. Once we confirm your activities, we will send you a make up by email that you can give to your club secretary or treasurer. |
Rotary eClub of 5960 Organizational Meeting – 10/10/16In case you missed it, here is the replay from tonight’s Rotary eClub of District 5960’s meeting. It was a great meeting! Please leave us your feedback! If you’d like more information about membership, visit: Consider a small donation when requesting a make up. This will help us in off-setting the costs of chartering our club. |
eClub Meeting 16 a Polio Survivor’s StoryWelcome to the Rotary eClub of District 5960! Rotary supports many different areas of focus, which tend to work together well. We focus on supporting education, providing clean water, promoting peace, saving mothers and children, growing local economies, and fighting disease.
In this episode of Rotary Club Radio, I interview Kathy Haubrich, the daughter of a Polio Survivor named Marilyn Lang. Kathy reads her mother’s moving story as written by Tom Melchior, as part of the Scott County Historical Society’s Greatest Generation project. Marilyn was diagnosed with Polio at age 20 and lived with the disease for over 60 years. Rotary Club Radio Episode 044 Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser. Length: 27 min. Bonus SegmentAfter a courageous fight to live a normalized life, despite the debilitating disease known as Polio, Marilyn Lang passed way in February 2016. Listen to the eulogy her daughter, Kathy Haubrich, read at memorial service. Rotary Club Radio Episode 044 BONUS Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser. Length: 17 min. Please listen to the attached audio to complete your Rotary meeting or makeup. At the end of the video, use the contact form to tell us that you completed the video presentation and 3 things you took away from it.
Consider a small donation when requesting a make up. This will help us in off-setting the costs of chartering our club. |
eClub Meeting 15 – Stripes & I Read for NeedWelcome to the Rotary eClub of District 5960! Rotary supports many different areas of focus, which tend to work together well. We focus on supporting education, providing clean water, promoting peace, saving mothers and children, growing local economies, and fighting disease. An interview Marvin Sims & Dr. Greg Ulrich, both from the Mounds View Minnesota School system in Minnesota, USA. Marvin Sims leads a program called S.T.RI.P.E.S. and Dr. Ulrich leads a program called I Read for Need. They work collaboratively with each other’s programs, supporting each other’s efforts to help students succeed and thrive. Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser. Length: 31 min. S.T.R.I.P.E.S has been a successful program at Irondale High School in Mounds View Minnesota because of the efforts of Dean of Equity Services, Marvin Sims. Sims has developed the S.T.R.I.P.E.S program to address the achievement gap at District high schools. Transforming at risk kids into successful students who are prepared for college or other life ventures is what (S.T.R.I.P.E.S), Students Together Respecting the Importance and Purpose of Education in Schools, is all about. I Read for Need is an elementary school reading program, developed by Dr. Greg Ulrich, that encourages the love of reading, by giving students the opportunity to earn cash for the charity of their choice. Links
At the end of the video, use the contact form to tell us that you completed the video presentation and 3 things you took away from it. |
eClub Meeting 14 – Rob Davis – A Ray of Hope for Bees & ButterfliesWelcome to the Rotary eClub of District 5960! Rotary supports many different areas of focus, which tend to work together well. We focus on supporting education, providing clean water, promoting peace, saving mothers and children, growing local economies, and fighting disease. In today’s eClub meeeting, we will again focus on saving pollinators. Go back to Meeting #3 to learn more about our collaborative efforts with the National Park Service, the US Forest Service, and the US Fish and Wildlife Service – attempting to get Rotarians all over the world to sign the pollinator pledge, make pollinator habitat restoration and creation a priority, and educating others about this critical issue facing the world. Rotary District 5960, under the leadership of Governor Marlene Gargulak, has joined with the National Park Service, US Forest Service, and US Fish and Wildlife Service to use the influence of Rotary to educate communities about the issues facing pollinators and the support of Rotarians to make a difference in the fight to save them. In the video below, you’ll meet Rob Davis from Fresh Energy and member of the Rotary eClub of District 5960. Rob will be presenting – A Ray of Hope for Bees. He will also speak to us about creating pollinator habitats around solar panels. Please watch the video below to complete your Rotary meeting or makeup. District 5960 has been asked to support this important project by signing the Pollinator Pledge and by each club finding ways to support a sustainable Pollinator habitat in their community. Possibilities include:
Links: Sign the Pollinator Pledge At the end of the video, use the contact form to tell us that you completed the video presentation and 3 things you took away from it. |
eClub Meeting 13 – Peace is PossibleWelcome to the Rotary eClub of District 5960! As we approach December 7th, 2015, we remember a day in 1941 when Japan attacked the America base at Pearl Harbor and Germany was advancing across Europe, leaving a path of death and destruction in its wake. Some 70 years later, those conflicts have been resolved, only to see new conflicts take shape. Every year there are new conflicts, wars, genocides…which begs the question, “is peace possible?” Rotary has been working on peace initiatives for many years and has developed opportunities for schooling in conflict resolution. Rotary gives individuals to the opportunity to learn how to mediate our conflicts, negotiate or differences, and cooperate together for a common good. Watch this video and leave feed back on what you can do to encourage peace in our time. In the contact for below, provide 3 ideas you have for creating peace in the world. You can only accomplish so much, but together, we can accomplish a lot. Links: |