Rotary eClub Video – August 5, 2020 –– How Rotary Exchange Impacted my Career with Ethan Neal
My name is Ethan Neal. I come from a long line of Iowans, but was lucky enough to move to Northfield, Minnesota when I was six years old.
Being from Northfield, Rotary Youth Exchange had always been on my mind. I chose to do a GAP year and went down to Sucre, Bolivia.
After my year, I went to the University of Minnesota where I studied cultural anthropology and food systems.
Throughout my time at University, I was working my way up through Pillsbury United Communities where I have worked for over nine years.
I now have the privileged to manage our food system which includes two food shelves, two free community meals programs, five outdoor farms, and one indoor hydroponic farm.
I truly believe that my exchange year had a direct impact on my direction in life, from my choice in major to my choice in career path.
Voluntary Donation:
A suggested donation of $10.00 USD is requested for this video meeting (Rotary make-up certificates available).
Click here to make a donation: (We are a new Rotary Club recognized by R.I. and would very much appreciate any additional donation you may wish to make to help get us off the ground. Our goal is to target young returning exchange students and other cultural exchange enthusiasts to engage them in Rotary early on!)
If you are a Rotarian and interested in using this E-Club meeting as an official makeup, please visit and click on Contact Us to request a makeup. A $10 E-Club donation is requested.